Le low-tech lab numérique de l'UPEC


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hackathon [2024/11/27 23:47] – [Restitution des travaux] michelhackathon [2024/11/27 23:48] (current) – [Inscription aux ateliers] michel
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 ===== Inscription aux ateliers ===== ===== Inscription aux ateliers =====
-L'inscription se fait [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZAgLCsEY0J8ix60lWbbeJQ49jOV1n8fsSn1do6Vo3RQ/edit?gid=1064329104#gid=1064329104|ici]] {{ ::qr-code-inscription.png |}}+L'inscription se fait [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZAgLCsEY0J8ix60lWbbeJQ49jOV1n8fsSn1do6Vo3RQ/edit?gid=1064329104#gid=1064329104|ici]]
 +{{ ::qr-code-inscription.png |}}
 ===== Restitution des travaux ===== ===== Restitution des travaux =====
QR Code
QR Code hackathon (generated for current page)